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A vision without a strategy remains an illusion

Lee Bolman

Our Strategy


Have you ever failed to achieve any personal goals? Can you name anything you are neglecting in your life right now? Do you remember any neglected New Year's resolutions? You are in the right place if your answer is YES to any of these questions.

Neglected Things has its inspiration from the famous board game Chess. No panic! This website is not about the game itself. The inspiration comes from its strategy, pieces, movements and how we can align them to solve problems related to the things we keep neglecting in life. See how to begin in the next section or

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If you have ever played a game of chess, you already know that Strategy is vital for success. The ability to anticipate the "moves" in the game, as obstacles in our lives, are essential to maintain a successful path. The game of chess will be used merely to illustrate our strategy to help you progress in your chosen topic.

Like in chess, your first move should always be forward and made by the starting and most basic piece - the pawn. When we have a personal goal set or we decide to look after something we are neglecting, we tend to speed up the process or even break the rules to get it done faster. Remember, one step at a time is your first step!

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